- Atlanta Housing Authority
- Delant Construction
- District of Columbia Housing Authority
- Fort Worth Housing Authority
- Housing Authority of the City of Camden
- Housing Authority of the City of Joliet
- Landmark Companies
- Miami Dade Housing Agency (MDHA)
- Ohio Housing Authorities Conference
- Orlando Housing Authority
- Palm Beach County Housing Authority
- Pinellas County Housing Authority
- San Antonio Housing Authority
- Tampa Housing Authority
- Titusville Housing Authority
- Tennessee Association of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities
- The Integral Group, LLC
- The Nelrod Company
- The Tabernacle Homes, LLP
- United States Housing and Urban Development
- Vancouver Housing Authority
- Wilson Housing Authority
Louisville Housing Authority
National Housing and Rehabilitation Association
National Associate of Housing and Redevelopment Association
Florida Assisted Living Association (FALA)
Council of Large Housing Authorities (CLPHA)
- Key West Housing Authority
- F & R Management Services
- YMP Real Estate

- Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)
- Amerigroup
- American Eldercare, Inc.
- Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
- Charity Services Centers, P.A.
- Citrus Tango
- Department of Children and Families
- Unites States Department of Health
- Eldermark Software
- Evercare Health & Home Connections
- Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services
- Mas Strategies
- Molina
National Housing & Redevelopment Association (NHRA)
- Omnicare Pharmacy
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- United States Housing and Urban Development (USHUD)
- Universal Health Care
- United Health Care
- Gordon Food
- Simply
- Veteran’s Administration
US. Foods
Navigator Group Purchasing